By entering and/or subscribing to this site, you agree that:
1. You are above the age of minority in your location, and/or over 18 years of age.
2. You are voluntarily requesting adult material solely for personal entertainment and will not redistribute the material contained within this site in any manner, digital or otherwise, without written permission from the owners of this site and the creator of the material in question. You will not assume that images or content posted on this site indicates release of publication/distribution rights and/or that your subscription gives you as an individual any rights aside from personal viewing of the current content of the site.
3. You will not make the material on this site available to minors or other individuals for whom viewing adult material is illegal.
4. You may not enter this site to gather material to start or support any legal action against the owners, host, or artists of this site.
5. Neither the site owners nor the hosting company can absolutely guarantee access to the website or its contents at all times, due to interference or general internet downtimes. All efforts are made to ensure access to the site and its member area.
6. You will not distribute any login info or links to the website content aside from Paid membership is for personal use by a single user only.
If you do not agree with these terms, do not enter or subscribe to this site. Usage of this site implies acceptance of the Terms of Service as stated above.
All images are & and ™ their creators and/or Do not re-post any part of the site, including images or comics, without expressed permission of the site or artists. Guest material used with permission of artists.